Quantum Physics and UFO-logist Bruce Cathie and also Buckminster Fuller and Mandelbrot (not yet, the "fractal guy"..).

2022. N.B Too much stuff not needed stuff space-case material and a nightmare to edit and clean up all located on these pages that should become cleaned up lease be patient.

The content is various things: tables, some analysis, comparing and computation, some constants new and old. The stuff.

Note: No special ordering in things (last things first), many things may be repeated in several articles, some things may sound out of place or not, etc..read the whole section if you want it..in your sub-conscious and thus have it float up again and re-appear in some form. Some things here should be considered Numerology or rather Vector System stuff.

And Anyway, this section contains stuff related to, and trying to look at mainly Bruce Cathie's work but draws various parallels. In no way is it to be considered professionalâ„¢ in any way, perhaps...though can always aim to fail, as is said sometimes!?..

This section contains all the stuff written about what to term it stuff invented after reading late capt. Bruce Cathie's book "The Harmonic Conquest of Space" mainly , ether or what use for writing some of the equations. Selected of the old pages we had on that and trying to elaborate deserve more attention to than what we realized at the time of calculating / writing. In the meaning of some of the pages, coming soon! That is looking at it some things seemed to fit.

Again this was done impart to understand his book which failed but at least some of the newer stuff with equations could be what superimposed on his work, from various things stuff. We are looking closer at what we wrote a second time looking at it, to try and use it more and make maybe the meaning more clear and that stuff should appear here.

Here is the actual computer program if you can make sense out of it. It runs on all devices through the "Python" interpreter existing for those. Mechanical / Electrical programmer wanted for this.
News/notes: Note on Harmonic 701285: Harmonic 1/128=701285 found was then converted from from "kilograms force meter" to kilojule where we have 6944.334031 which by 1/x is Harmonic 0.0001440022895695871!

Note: On e!*30 Pascal to PSI, that calculation was slightly offset fixed this, the configuration conversion did not picture it to be slightly wrong. Comments on this perhaps be appreciated. That is to say since it only fit the 30 4-f V.E. the probably fit might be less weak a presumption.

And: B. Mandelbrot have not been described much here but should give fits that one recognize there are 4-dimensional Fractals that maybe Cut Through into 3-d. If this would apply to 3-d space we have, then we would like to think there are at least one Extra dimension "up" perhaps. Perhaps not. Though that would have another explanation this Tripple Par-Bondings of molecules. There are according to Fuller tensile strengths it things also. So, he may have led us on to "no-space" which is 4-d.


(C)2008->2020 Krister Z-F. Lilleland.