Ancient Stargates, UFO Enigma!!

If the Earth had ever a blue sky, and Dark at night. (continue poem, and break it out into Deja Vu). Evidently this entry here should deal with a so-called macrosphere.

Whatever the UFO enigma is, it is the military leaders who know all about it and then it is classified, maybe it should remain classfied. It's probably a staircase up or down in the Echelon where anyone who knows anything are also keeping it secret. It is the interior of the Earth, since it's an interior it must then be like a hermetically sealed system. However important all this may sound, likely it behaves like a distraction.

Now since the military control all this we are not at liberty to project an idea that the theories we now have on the Pyamids and Stonehenge is just propaganda as a solution to the fact that nobody else knows anything for certain about it. Maybe there are endavours to find out about it but it is being under military control somewhere.

First noted accounts of UFOs are from around or during the second world war. Because as is being noted by various occult authors from the previous to the second world war, focus on other reality had changed during that period. Perhaps details about what was actually going on could be quite obscurre. We are liable to think that the whole UFO paradox was actually technolgy invented by the Americans. When only a few people are actually in the know about what is going, and they are not talking, then it is easy to have a cover up, to keep the lid on the previous

It also seems that what we like to think of as the interor of the Earth, is a whole world existing running in parallel to our own. Is it a falacy to think we can not see the unseen but still think it must be there. It's not difficult to hide something when it's from another dimension. Why was Nazism, for example, so interested in Shambala and Tibet, why were they so painstaking accurate about their occult research.

And what technology did we posses 70 years ago in the Interior of the Earth, which is also Shambala, as compared to today's information technology that we have. Finally, how can we know about this, when we have no facts anyway? Then it's just pure speculation. It is possible that we are inside something like a Virtual Private Network and that the real lies in a beyond somewhere.

Though a VPN does not have to be a likely accurate explanation for closed circuits existing. It is likely that at some point some closed circuits were invented, which include living people on our world. It might be worth to remember, that cave art was probably drawn can we investigate cave art like Spirals, even though the center has always remained unmoved. This may finally relate to the Matrix and similar movies (see other article on this website).

The whole scenario is the rythm of life. Now this machinery of the Universe mentioned below is one aspect of the interior which was probably developed under extreme secrecy somewhere like a vivid Deja Vu. Then the other aspect if Stargates should also be included as an enigma. It's very difficult to write about since very few details about them are available. What is factual we think, is that there is an interior and inside that interior there is a sacred cow, and Stargates probably from time immemorial. There's a rumor that an American soldier tripped over a Stargate in Iraq, he took two Asprin, and that was the end of that Stargate.

What it's an enigma Gaia, unfortunately real details on the nature of this reality, except the Gaia Hypothesis which seems remarkably real. Normally one can not see the forrest for all the trees. It implies as an optimal biosphere and ecosystem, all possibilities are possibly valid. But then one is constantly on the threshold to it there is like a gateway leading to this place, and there is knowledge on things but where does one access it, towards someone who was on a drug trip and saw it, but then had an amnesia.

But this is a symptom that to a lesser degree all of us are suffering this amnesia, for accessing this enigma, of Gaia. Also there is the paradox, of a tangled mess perhaps, of psycho-social relations between the world players, and so on. However the actual true nature of this enigma, is possibly inexplicable and beautifull that these issues, can shrink in comparison. This means that we have a choice, to go for the engima, if one can see it, or whatever else at least one knows about it. It's this authors oppinion that it would be better to let go of whatever and go for this enigma when it comes within reach. Deeper still, we should at some point have a home comming, to this enigmatic place Gaia.

We think of Earth and Gaia it's a self sustaining Ecosystem, though the question is still if it changed, what is the form it has today. Is it equal to science fiction. Some company is shut down, but they have a technology that someone else is interested in so this company is bought up, and the train thus runs into a sidetrack in the story that is.

Expand Subjects. The interior of the Earth also seems located in some lost dimensions, probably looks a lot like the supposed supernal spheres in the Jewish Kabbalah of maybe it's all on the After Death Plane. Some relation of computers, that already were used in the 1960s to operate the "magic squares" in Kabbalah or for doing inventory check. Analysis of the Jewish Kabbalah is difficult, but all seems to relate in example to change and virtuosity. Note that some have simply said the Demon Baal is Kabbalah where thought sometimes echo inside.

This following is a summary, only based on having read the book the Harmonic Conquest of Space, by Bruce Cathie. We have that in Ancient times Earth our home planet have been home to several more cosmic commuters, than what we have today. The symbol of this is a Hindu Goddess. Works on paranormal fantasy fiction is a trail of money. Note that this writer is not competent to write about this subject, as he has never even seen a Stargate.

Then a possible scenario, and the above comments. This documents is at large speculation, and is divorced from reality. May there are some doors still left open, to get off the planet due to Covid-19 travel restrictions?? There are some points and we may be dealing with ancient wonders. Include Pyramids, Stonehenge, etc. Some viewpoints. There is a joke (??) that the Light in the Tunnel is a meeting train.

The previous entry on Stargates describing them as even Wormholes. The only portal we know of to the interor of the Earth is through Death which is also a Tarot trump. It's being noted that we normally count from one to twelve which is also the number of hours on a watch, and in ancient Babylon words for numbers goes up to twelve. The Moon Landing was perhaps a preparation to Stargates..

Most people today can agree with any Indigenous tribes especially females, who are sick of making bamboo laundry baskets, or a Native Woman with a sly smile trying to explain "in simplistic terms" how the land is Sacred, to a foreginer or an outsider. If there is any truth to Stargate activity today would it relate to branches of one's reality that are not being consciously controlled, related to the threshold of awareness and perception, similarity to various military operations that can not be consciously viewed.

Maybe the Stargates are just some crazy magical setup on something called the Astral Planes. All of it could be what remains of a Galactic empire. All this is not a logical conclusion, and vexed questions still remain. We still like to talk about this stuff despite the answer being outside the range of any given parameters. Nobody sane today, will claim that this stuff is real. The Stargates may even have been created some time in prehistory, maybe even before the last Iceage of 100.000 years ago or before that which other authors like Graham Hancock have suggested.

Stargates may have been part of the original Garden Of Eden, but it is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible that there should have been any Stargates there.
Consider the following: It does seem that in some cases the Paranormal coincidence have happened, then again most people today agree that the Earth is mostly just a cold rock in space. The stargates, were probably alien and some relationship with the known Interior of the Earth. A working hypothesis is that our waking world is located in Aasgard, the first of the three Viking realms. Magic could perhaps extend this deep. However in reality it seems likely that this whole ordeal is pure imagination, if it is and unreal though it must be an impossible matter, and we have no way to conceptualize it, we can not think about the unthinkable!! If we do think about it, it can disturb reality.

Here we can have a magical "realm" as an idea which is surreal and conjectures up maybe images from Conan the Barbarian fiction. Then this supposed realm is also where the Gods are located. Any Stargate must lie somewhere beyond our "waking world" (In Midgard? In Udgard?), but they're also Physically located in our world which is why we can see them. A real world account of these Stargate are described by certain Indian tribes (see link section), as portals opening maybe to other worlds or possibly Holograms.

It's been noted in other theories that what we consider various magical ancient monuments are actually from more recent times, likely the Vikings and a reference to the Wizard of Oz. Then again these gates might be very real and occult, they are usually like some archways, much like the collection of archways at Stonehenge. Could this mean that this system are works, still today, but does exist somewhere below in the depths of the abyss.

The suspected users of this system, are any Non-incarnating Spirits with bodies though but somehow it links to some Earthbound beings or Earthbound Spirits. Most normal people are also Earthbound. Stargates if exist below somewhere in the depths and there also is a sacred cow, and they may have claimed that dimensional boredom. All this may put both the construction of Stonehenge and the Pyramids, in more Ancient times than what has been currently taught, in schools of course. In an instance, Gobekli Tepe, is thought to have been preceding the building of Stonehenge, by approximately 6000 years.

From an above view of the World Grid system though day, it's very evident that something else is also going on. Now we also have mythical science involved in all this, so the plot we are getting is now quite incomprehensible!! We do have that the Hollow Earth can only change or had to adapt. One does not usually think of the Hollow Earth as 3D inside a Sphere, but this must seem to be the case. Some of this stuff written here seems to indicate the Wheel of Fortune, as in the Tarot. It is worth remembering that when the world became electric in the 1800s it also became much concealed by later affairs.

Since the invention of Freud though in the 1950s the world has not yet become a dystopia, quite the contrary. Thus we do not know about the Hollow Earth today either there could be vast cave systems underground (built by who??) that connects to above ground and some relics in buildings that are above ground that connects to that electric world of 1800s. There is for instance the elctromagnetic telegraph poles as an example like number stations describe elsewhere on this blog.

We are wondering if systems like this can link into more modern teleprinter systems. Now there is plenty of modern art and science-fiction about all this so that remembering it feels more like a dream. Despite all these new science-fiction are perhaps as vivid as they could be. Sometimes they fail to see the bigger picture. It's rather confusing to try to write a real world account of something being portrayed as science-fiction.