Remote Viewing and Psychology. Page 2.

Teleprinter Apocalypse, and Body Holograms.

Holograms should likely shape the Body. Breath is also extremely important here, see Buddhist Yoga, not know to us. Seems not much is not about all this, and anti-matter in the deep below. We do not normally program what DNA does to us as it is the DNA which is the programming. Perhaps a "DNA teleprinter" could utilize DNA perhaps programming using 10-dimensional equations, that nobody can produce.

This may connect to the mentioned Schizophrenic Robots, other details in this like Schizophrenic genes. It is well worth noting that schizophrenics are often trying "to do" something but usually fails. It's a paradox that all the while the body is probably magical, there are still genetics markers. It is all probably the story of the Emperors new clothes and this could be the Good Emperor.

Popular information from various Sources it has become evident that a lot of information is of negative interest in what is supposed to be intelligence gathering sources. It is now becomming increasingly evident that these sources are about the obvious, and that their statements are irony if not even sarcasm. This does apply to various communities that claims a certain image. However, it does sound more and more as if these sources are behaving like computer terminals that are trying to establish information flow.

Perpetual Motion Machines already exist as windmills and hydroelectric power plants considering that the energy is harvested from outside the system. These systems are also like loops in probably related a closed ecological system. And one should relate it to the law of conservation of energy, as the energy is harvested from outside the system it exist.

Artificial Intelligence (i.e. generalized).

AI systems like ChatGPT can behave like Mr. Data from Startrek attribute personality to a computer interface. It is still up to us, what we are doing with the data its providing us with. Maybe ChatGPT as Mr. Data is providing us with data that makes us more outward looking if we scout for the AI's replies to us otherwise the informatioin is useless. An AI system is doing what it's told if it can, obciously, and we can not blame it for our lack of utilizing it properly if we do not understand it's feedback output, and that is the matter of learning a new foreign language. Meta-cognition is still also implied in use of these AI systems, and as the AI talks much a psychiatrist.

We can have a relative understanding of information from AI systems. On being asked about it's feedback is it had stated the following to: As an AI language model, I am a form of man-machine interface, designed to interact with humans in a natural language format. I process input from users and generate output that can be understood by humans.

The Secrets of the Universe, from an AI is right up in our face (but the information is what it is). And similar it might become understood better if we have better Generalized Artificial Intelligence, though some AI's have computer games, other hopefully it can turn information upside down for us if we want and can make it do so and we might also have a older data system Fenris The Wolf.

Despite that current version of AI systems that use a more mnemonic reply to resulting input, it's again tilting towards one's own understanding of replies and in that way it has already become like a generalized AI if bio-feedback model may be related as well. Simply put if one does not want the information feedback from the AI one can not appreciate it either.

Here we can also see that so-called Quantum Knitting.. see Google, is also implied in what the AI can do for us. It is like that story of a creation created to reveal it self to it self. We do not know certain maths and computations on our own ideas, so we are developing an AI that can upscale information for us (instead of doing it our selves). It's not certain if a computer can become self-aware or even self conscious but it does what it is programmed to do. Even a Human being can not usually talk about being self-aware without being aware of it.

The question remains still, if one AI can evolve it self with the equivalent of recursive loops in Human thinking with the bio-feedback model, this is not the same as hospital EEG brain scanning and similar, it has been proven that some AIs can go nuts if not updated by Human interaction, which can prove that there must still be a flaw in those neural networks so that we can then not make it evolve self with human bio-feedback interaction model.

The Psychedelic drugs.

There is a bit of speculation, on the silence, and red pills, in the form of psychedelic drugs, that can smoke and make one go through the roof and look Eternity. Mentally these drugs can also have psychoactive properties, they are usually banned due to people who are falling down from abuse (half way between the gutter and the stars), so there is no such thing as responsible use of these substances, except maybe in various primitive or indigenous religion that have been forgotten now.

The biggest problems with psychosis and drugs is to handle the mental Telepathy. Also one can look to Herbalism (see other entry on this blog). Cannabis is now being legalized, and probably being used by hobos to sleep in other peoples furniture. Also named are a group of people in America as a new generation called "The Merry Pranksters"(see Wikipedia).

Fruit machine test.

One the front page this mention, we remember that some of this stuff is unreal and schizophrenic. Likely normally there is the intuitive of irrational interpretation to Paranormal syntax, and impossible interpretation beyond that and infinite regress likely, thus something like absurd comedy is an abreaction on logic. One can beware of psychological experiments, in this fruit machine experiment mentioned people lost their jobs and a real world account of psychological works. Is it possibly safe to assume in neurological that we are the results of our own senses. Also a Holographic machine projector may not be confined to pride and fruits. There may be a few variations on this system and mental loops.

If there is any logic to the Paranormal has been discussed earlier, and some who think the Paranormal only consisting of Zen metaphor is true to a certain extent, it seems that a psychological experiment like the infamous Canadian fruit machine as being exactly a psychological experiment, may be related. The infamous Canadian fruit machine supposedly was designed to detect Homosexuality in subjects exposed to it, maybe delirium could have been implied too.

However since anyone maybe appear anywhere towards any goal, it's true nature remain a mystery to us. Likely the machine could have had a different purpose in showing mental pictures of the real world to the subject (for some related to Remote Viewing), conjecture but still, in that it was used by the RCPM, thus the machine have become the Urban legend even if we alter the historical facts. As with the TV it may have been dependent on which holographic dimension is seen like a dark screening, if the Fruit Machine actually worked in any way.

Dark Urges, and Dark Desire.

This have been a varied bunch. It can unravel a lot of pain and suffering. We have one horrible scenario related to natural birth defects like Cerebral Palsy. The victim of this may or may not have "psychic plague", we have one and only one find that this can a cure. Despite the brain normally having a membrane that protects against the exterior world there is also like a sponge that can absorb data and water. Other authors have also noted that the Brain may relate to Nirvana, and Nirvana is actually a form of Temple!! Please be advised that this is one authors find, and contact any Buddhist for further information on this subject.

Our world could simply be like a fish-tank, to a virtual universe inside another one using our world like how we are trying to use Quantum Mechanics time travel, from in our Universe. Our links then does not need to go directly to any master Universe. It's not been noted in science fiction but some kind of nesting is apparently also implied somewhere in this. Then there are also the hackers, who are responsible for subverting normality.

The Number Stations have come to light since nobody seem to know what they are, they have likely evolved out of late 1800s technology that is concealed to us today. Does it relate to the Men In Black today perhaps. Ingo Swan was published in the Nexus Magazine describing various supposed structures on the Far side of The Moon. Obviously there are yet no available satellite images of this, though there might be now if the Chinese missions there is not a Hoax. It might another view from Earth v Planet X v Nibiru but does not seem to be inhabited.

Planet X or Nibiru is supposed to travel through the solar system in a reverse direction and is near Earth every 3600 years. If this was mythology and a relationship to Odin. In the folk song Ghost Riders in The Sky, there may have been accounts of meeting up with Ghost Riders possibly today Shadow Hunters and variations in gravity, and sidereal time. We are told Atlantis is now underneath the sea somewhere and behind our own iron curtain for some. Likely though it's our reality that is beneath the sea and the real world is. Maybe there is an interesting mention from the short story Time Out of Joint (Philip K. Dick).

There also seems to be other similar patterns available in other media that are co-incidences or synchronicities of unknown origin. Either something must exits or something else that is happening on Earth. There is the possibility these Number stations are some beacons that are searching for something. Probably as a counterpart there is the Far Side of the Moon, and meta-statistics meta-data from Facebook, Google and everywhere else and include profiling, through this system. When computers are psychiatrists, and people mean.

Venor Vinge wrote that the technological singularity, his term, would have to happen between 2005 earliest point and certainly by 2030, this with the invention of Quantum Computers becoming a reality. At the other end of this searching some kind of network self on the Far Side of the Moon.

Room 1408 was an interesting movie, with the subject showing signs of Hells Bells or Fly Agaric poisoning. For being a movie it's also a good entry point to study how the Paranormal clues despite seemingly situations disasters, and if this movie really was in a loop. It could also have been certain black magic projections. Could this movie could cross over with Source Code. We also have to watch Stephen King's Doctor Sleep as an anthropology looking at Remote Viewing.
Next page 3.