Any relation between Euler's number and Physics/Synergetics.

This is Euler's number ~2.71828, it is not normally associated with, or have any use for Physics. We have made a simple calculation that may, or it may not give us a more Natural number out of this irrational number. Despite being an irrational number (like pi) it is make from a sequence only involving the natural whole numbers. We probably need a special case scenario to solve it. Of course an expert would be needed to give a final answer, also does the comparison with Synergetics closed-packed spheres might need elaboration.

We then have that the expression of e!*30 Pascal to PSI return approximately 0.018540 PSI (Pressure Per Square Inch). This also appear in Synergetics then which has something called a Vector Equilibrium a structure. This is a structure of so-called closed packed spheres. (Reference see Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics for more details.) With this the structure can have four layers, which are termed frequency. Then if there is a 4-frequency V.E. structure the cumulative number of Sphere's amount to the Harmonic of that digit in example 18540 spheres in total, this is either exact or a multiple.

A numerical connection with Bruce Cathie's work as well. It is stated somewhere in his book "The Harmonic Conquest of Space" that the Earth must have two interlocked magnetic fields, possibly as in alternating current, I quote his book: "the unbalanced magnetic fields 1257 lines of force per square centimetre in one direction and 1850 in the other do not tell us very much in them selves.". Then perhaps we would speculate that there's a connection to a Harmonic 18540 and Euler's number somehow (see other calculations below).

This is a lot of wholly thinking. There is a third last connection. 0.018540 PSI is a perfect conversion of relation to 29 miles Standard Atmosphere Altitude, and also other things if you have a look at this Wolfram Alpha page.With respect to the mathematical coincidence an additional comment might be that while we have that the number of inter-relationship ((n**2-n)/2) for 18540 compared to a triangle of some n=18540 the resulting digits subtracted equal is 18540 as well.

We would also have (1/((e**(4*log(2)-2*log(3)))*45.3125))*6=0.5. We have no comment on what this is supposed to show conceptually.

Addition: If we calculate gamma as x=(4*log(2)-2*log(3)) or alpha=137.252. And we have e**x*alpha=244.00355555555555 at least as a uniform number. Now that 137.252 was earlier calculated as a fitting value for Alpha (the fine structure constant). Also we could have had earlier 1/(e**x/256)=144 amazingly Euler's constant and a fake gamma has coupled with 2**n to make the Speed of Light Harmonic (144). In theory it's another weak theorem that puts Euler's constant into actual physics.

We have a cheat equation, which probably is also representing part of the gamma equation. There is (e**gamma)*0.1854 which is x=0.3296 (≃29/88) also more a uniform digit. Also have e**x=16/9. All we have shown now are few three ways which we can win Euler's constant! It feels great to finally have Euler's constant done.

Harmonic 10440, 648 and others. The Sun and Schumann Resonance, Versus Nikolai Tesla.

The number 10440 is the sum of all digits up to, and including 144. 144 as mentioner earlier is a Harmonic for the speed of Light we have that. If we make some again mathematical equation with regards to other article here, we may have the following expression: 10440/(725/720)/0.16=64800.. This digit is also mention in the Harmonic Conquest of Space on a few occasions, in relation to what the diameter, or circumference of the Sun etc. If this is also true, in theory we would say the Sun contain all the periodic table Elements.

We have 783*33830 is Harmonic 26488890 which would be 206944.44444*2*2*2*2*2*2*2. 783 is a Harmonic of the in the world, measured basic Schumann Resonance 7.82 or 7.83. To arrive at 782, then 33830 would no longer be a natural number. However 1008*7776 is 7838208. We do note, that 7838208 should be a higher, multiple of 7.83. 7838208 is related to 1008 also divisible (decimal) of 7838208/144 is 54432. If we wanted an awkward digit we would do 7838208/(72*6) that is 18144. Perhaps all this is not directly related to 10440. We have though that 1008/7=144. We have 7838208/648/6=2016. 2160-2016=144..

7838308-7830000=8308. If we want something complicated again this would do 8308/576*6*6 == 519.25. Workings backtracking. 512/6/6*576=8192.0. 8308/8192=116. Since 116 is a known integer already, we would conclude that this algebra is proof.

Nikola Tesla is quoted, as having said his believed magic was from "the powers of 3,6 and 9". If we then have 3!,6! and 9!. The three answers are 6,720, and 36288 good. We may see that this is about Light and the Earth or Schumann Resonance then since 36288/2 is 18144 which is calculated in the last paragraph. We may note that these numbers here are also concepts, or have symbolism attached to them. Somewhere it is noted that 720 is the number of degrees in the most simple/minimum knot on a rope.

Perhaps to make it more reasonable and we should have had 3!*6!*9! = 6*720*362880 = 1567641600.

The Square root of Two, to meddle with Harmonic Equations.

In earlier version of this web-site we had somehow shown that with certain changes in Bruce Cathie's shown "extended" relativity equations of E=mc², we would incorporate an interesting value into them, useful or not. This was sqrt(2) which had seemed to bear a relation to changing cos(45) with cos(60). And details on this are current here, more difficult to show. A fragment of the explanation is: "That difference becomes as E=(√1/c+√2)/(√2(1/c)**3/2) vs E=(√1/c+2)/(2(1/c)**3/2) i.e. lack of √2 when using cos(60)".

This assumption was based on an idea that Pyramid height and cos(45) was similar, which they are not. The reason that we remove sqrt(2) is likely because cos(45) which is equal to 1/sqrt(2), where as cos(60) equals only 1/2. As an example with Harmonic 144 and Wien's Constant 144*2.896412037037037*(1/sqrt(2))=5005/12*sqrt(2) is 294.9224533198892..

Explaining E=mc**2. Relativity and compressed space, Holograms.

The maximum speed of light must already be infinite since it is traveling very fast within an infinite big medium, which can make out part what we call relativity. Also photons have no mass. There are two logical factors on an idea about relativity in magnitude. This is also justified by talking about compressed space, as a negative mass anti-vacuum. It is generally thought that light from infinity is not visisble to us, because somehow it has not reached us yet.

If there is also compressed space, that could cancel matter in the equation, we think this is the interpretation of the solution, to the relativity equation, that can indicate a cosmic Hologram in existence. We are talking about space, and there is also space and time like eternity. If light has Zero mass that would also indicate infinite speed, so two infinites also equal Zero (in the equation)!! So the relativity equation is a way to think about it's physics..the explanation demands a bit of logic applied..seems to imply that light is only instant in something called realtime but note it doesn't have to be light, could be particle interaction like quantum entanglement, and pointing at Holographic 3D experience on the streets.

Sub-space and theoretical Hyperspace (time stream)

. Maybe theoretically we are in a gravity well in some sub-space. Hypespace does not appear to be real, but are like some rivers up beyond that appears exiting our normal 3-dimensional space. Other researchers have probably suggested that the World Grid and all that before had existed to somehow let us exit up into the hyperspace or time-stream beyond and this it is bit too crazy to believe in, but some people believe we are existing in 6 or 7 collapsed dimensions. Thus we are explaining to logical terms about something like that picturing.

Is it to belive that we are in a sub-space gravity well are they trying to explain that the string theory above where in the time stream are like strings because in the time stream that what they look it there these tiny strings so that above everything is various flows.

Relativity equations sinus Curve.

This it seems logical to note here that when dealing with these Relativity Equations from Bruce Cathie, on Mathematica/, where it's shown that to make a pure sinus curve, the only value for C that fit pure sinus curve was Harmonic 144. This might be due to their system complaining that the equations which were supposedly dynamic (or something else).

Tranformation of Eule but note it doesn't have to be light, could be particle interaction like quantum entanglement, and> There are some possible "transformation" with respect to Eulers Number.

The Frequency of Light.

We have somewhere that square root of 5 is related to the tangent of the Speed of Light. This should also be interesting because that in certain computations of centered hexagonal numbers, where 5 would be said also to equal the Speed of Light in Geodesic miles per Grid Second which is 144 (1/144). It is just possible that the so-called 5-series are also applicable, the 5 multiplication table.